Services for Businesses
Serving small, middle, and large size businesses, entrepreneurs, start-ups, and nonprofits located or hiring in Monroe and surrounding counties.
How do I contact the Business Services Team?
Phone |
585-258-3500 ext. 2000 |
TTY (English) |
800-662-1220 |
TTY (Español) |
877- 662-4886 |
About the Incumbent Worker Training Grant (IWT)
The Incumbent Worker Training Grant (IWT) program is designed to help businesses in the City of Rochester and Monroe County upskill their existing employees to meet industry demand by offsetting the cost of providing training and certification.
IWT: Business Eligibility
- Private sector for-profit or not-for-profit organizations with jobsites in Monroe County may apply. Government entities are not eligible for funding through the IWT grant.
- Applicants for IWT funds must be the employer of record of the workers to be trained.
- Applicants must comply with New York State Labor Law.
IWT: How To Get Started
Contact RochesterWorks to discuss your training needs and eligibility. Applications for the IWT grant will be accepted on a continuous basis until funding is exhausted. Selection will depend on available funding and successful completion of the application process.
Please note: Please submit paperwork a minimum of 30 days prior to the anticipated start of the training program. Individuals cannot start the training program until your business has been notified of and approved for reimbursement through the IWT grant.
IWT: How it Works
Business applicants identify a short-term training need for employed workers in in-demand skill areas to increase the businesses’ competitiveness, avert potential layoffs and/or backfill workers for existing Monroe County businesses.
The IWT grant offers Monroe County businesses up to 90% matching reimbursement for preapproved, training-related costs, up to a maximum of $10,000, for training activities that must be completed within six (6) months. Companies are limited to one (1) IWT grant per program year, which runs July 1–June 30.
IWT: Training Eligibility
Allowable, reimbursable training-related costs may include training/course cost; instructor fees; and test/exam fees, if a credential is the intended outcome of the training, and there is a required exam fee to be paid as part of training completion.
IWT: Types Of Training Not Covered By IWT Grant Funding
- Government mandated training or mandatory safety training, i.e., CPR, First Aid, OSHA, Sexual Harassment, etc.
- New hire orientation or new hire on-the-job training.
- English as a Second Language unless part of an integrated education and training program, as defined at WIOA Sec. 203(11).
- Team building activities or personality assessments.
- Curriculum development.
- Coursework towards Bachelor’s, Master’s, or other post-secondary degree programs.
- Any activities determined to be business consulting, e.g., strategic planning or coaching.
About RochesterWorks Job Fairs
From large job fairs to smaller recruiting events, the RochesterWorks Business Services Team offers different opportunities to help you connect with the candidates you need to fill your vacancies. Schedules and availability for each event varies, so please contact us for the latest updates and to find out what's coming up next.
Community Job Fairs
These in-person events allow job seekers to directly engage with a large group of participating employers to talk about available openings, discuss the application process, and submit their resumes to recruiters and hiring managers.
Community Job Fairs are midsize events hosted by the Monroe Job Opportunities Integrated Network (JOIN) and a host town or neighborhood in Monroe County, including regular events at the Monroe Community College (MCC) Downtown Campus.
If you'd like to receive notices about Calls for Businesses to participate in these events, email or call 585-258-3500 ext.2000.
JOIN is a partnership between RochesterWorks and Monroe County to increase the accessibility of job fairs for residents in all corners of our community.
Recruiting Events at the Career Center
We offer small-scale events, called “Recruiting Round Rochester” featuring one to two employers at a time, hosted on site at the Career Center. Employers can schedule a day to come into our College Avenue Career Center to meet job seekers by contacting the Business Services team.
About the On-the-Job Training Grant (OJT)
The On-The-Job Training (OJT) grant program is designed to help businesses in the City of Rochester and Monroe County meet their employment needs by offsetting the cost of training new employees who need to upgrade their skills to meet the demands of a specific job.
OJT: Business Eligibility
- Private sector for-profit, not-for-profit, public businesses in Monroe County may apply.
- The business must have established operations in its current location for at least 120 days.
- OJT cannot represent more than 25% of a business’s total workforce.
- Organizations must comply with NYS Labor Law and successfully pass the vetting process set forth by the New York State Department of Labor including a check of the OSHA records, WARN notices, Unemployment Insurance (UI) payment status, and NYS Disability and Workers Compensation insurance.
OJT: How To Get Started
Contact RochesterWorks to discuss your hiring needs and eligibility. Applications for the OJT grant will be accepted on a continuous basis until funding is exhausted. Selection will depend on available funding and successful completion of the application process.
Please note: Please allow a minimum of seven business days for paperwork processing and completion. Individuals cannot start work until your business has been notified of and approved for the OJT grant.
OJT: How It Works
Candidates go through your traditional screening process, and if you decide you’d like to hire someone, the grant will reimburse your company up to 50 percent of their wages while they’re on-the-job learning new skills from a more experienced member of your team.
OJT grants reimburse up to a maximum of $7,500.00 per new hire. All training must be completed within four months (640 hours). Companies are limited to three (3) OJT grants per program year, which runs July 1 – June 30.
OJT: Job Eligibility
- Full-time positions with a minimum of 35 hours per week.
- Training must take place during normal working hours. Any paid holidays, sick days, vacation days or overtime will not be covered with OJT funds.
- Upon completion of the OJT, the position should continue.
- Trainee wages must be no less than the rate paid during the time of the OJT contract.
OJT: Types Of Positions Not Covered By OJT Grant Funding
- Temporary, contract or seasonal positions.
- Commission-based jobs.
- Businesses may not lay off and replace a current employee in the position with a new hire enrolled in OJT.
Associations and Advocacy
Disability Resources and Services for Employers
What can a Disability Resource Coordinator help you with?
- Connect you with qualified individuals ready to work.
- Answer questions about reasonable accommodations for employees.
- Connect you to resources to help make your organization more accessible and inviting to people with disabilities.
Why Hire individuals with Disabilities?
- Lower absenteeism rates
- Less turnover
- Hiring from a highly motivated pool of candidates
- More diversity
- Increased business performance
Check out the economic argument for hiring people with disabilities: The economic argument for hiring people with disabilities | Humanities and Social Sciences Communications (
Reach out to RochesterWorks’ Disability Resource Coordinator, Lindsay Murphy, at 585-258-3500 x3513 or for more information.
Financial & Grant Assistance
Central Library of Rochester & Monroe County: Business Insight Center
Includes The Carlson Center for Intellectual Property, Patent Virtual Assistance Center, Patent Virtual Assistance Center
Business Insight Center - Rochester Public Library (
Central Library of Rochester & Monroe County: Grant Resource Center
The Central Library’s Grant Resource Center has many resources available to help you with grant seeking, including the Foundation Directory Online database.
The Grant Resource Center - Rochester Public Library (
College at Brockport Small Business Development Center (SBDC)
Offers free counseling, training, and business research on starting and running a business. The SBDC assists with New York State M/WBE certification applications and more.
Department of Neighborhood and Business Development
30 Church Street, Room 005A
Rochester, NY 14614
City of Rochester | Department of Neighborhood and Business Development
Empire State Development
Opportunities to grow your business in New York State. All forms of tax incentives that enable savings and cost advantages to businesses.
Empire State Development (
Kiva Rochester Crowdfunded Microloan Program
Kiva's mission is to provide capital for entrepreneurs who may have difficulty securing loans from traditional lending institutions. The program, involving a partnership with Kiva and the City, provides 0% interest/ no fee/36-month microloans to small businesses which may be startup or early-stage businesses which require capital for growth.
City of Rochester | Kiva Rochester Crowdfunded Loans
Minority- and Women-Owned Business Enterprise (MWBE)
A state certification program, administered by Empire State Development, designed to assist the growth and development of businesses owned and controlled by women and minorities.
Minority & Women's Business Development | Empire State Development (
Neighborhood Commercial Assistance Program
Provides small business matching grants for eligible retail and neighborhood service businesses which need capital for items such as furniture/fixtures/equipment, exterior signage, advertising, computers, architectural services, and security equipment (alarm systems, exterior lighting, security cameras).
City of Rochester | Business Loans, Services and Grants
New York Business Express
Starter guide, custom business checklist and information on support and incentives from New York State.
New York Business Express (
Provides a suite of services, including technology commercialization for very-early-stage opportunities, business incubation for high-growth-potential startups, and growth services for existing manufacturing companies seeking to improve their top- and bottom-line performance.
NY Small Business Development Center
Provides small business owners and entrepreneurs in New York with the highest quality, confidential business counseling, training, and business research at no cost.
New York Small Business Development Center (
NYS License Center
Useful website for those who want to start a new business or expand their current business, as it will help you find the NYS business permits and licenses you may need.
New York Business Express | New York State Office of Information Technology Services (
Rochester Economic Development Corporation (REDCO) Revolving Loan Fund
Provides financial assistance to new or expanding city businesses to stimulate private sector job retention and/or creation, investment within the city of Rochester and increases in the City's tax base. Eligible projects include furniture, fixture and equipment purchases, machinery acquisition, working capital and the acquisition, construction and/or renovation of real estate.
REDCO | Rochester Economic Development Corporation (
Rochester Financial Empowerment Center
The Rochester Financial Empowerment Center is supported by the efforts of the City of Rochester Mayor's Office of Community Wealth Building and Consumer Credit Counseling Services of Rochester. It helps clients build a brighter financial future and achieve goals through free, one-on-one, professional financial counseling.
About | Rochester Financial Empowerment Center (
Helps new and expanding businesses through tax-based incentives and innovative academic partnerships.
START-UP NY Program | Empire State Development
U.S. Small Business Administration Loans
The U.S. Small Business Administration helps small businesses get funding by setting guidelines for loans and reducing lender risk. These SBA-backed loans make it easier for small businesses to get the funding they need.
Skills, Training, & Experience Program (STEP)
Skills, Training, & Experience Program (STEP)
The Monroe County Skills, Training, & Experience Program (STEP) is a joint initiative between RochesterWorks and Monroe County (NY). STEP provides individuals with the skills and experience needed to get a job and become self-sufficient while meeting the workforce needs of local organizations.
If you are a non-profit, government agency or educational institution and need help with clerical or other tasks, contact us! We have partner opportunities available. There is no cost for your participation; you get assistance you need to help your business move forward while helping these individuals get better acclimated to the workforce.
Start-Up and Small Business Assistance
Greater Rochester SCORE
SCORE is a nonprofit association dedicated to educating entrepreneurs and helping small businesses start, grow, and succeed nationwide. SCORE is a resource partner with the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA), and has been mentoring small business owners for more than forty years.
Small Business Development Center
The New York Small Business Development Center (NYSBDC) provides small business owners and entrepreneurs in New York with the highest quality, confidential business counseling, training, and business research at no cost.
Urban League of Rochester Business Development
The Urban League of Rochester's Business Development Division supports minority, women, and veteran-owned businesses. We help entrepreneurs and small business owners launch and/or grow their businesses through classroom instruction and one-on-one technical assistance.
Business Mentor NY
Business Mentor NY is the state's first large scale, web-based, hands-on mentoring program geared to help entrepreneurs and established small businesses overcome challenges to grow their business.
Rochester Economic Development Corp. (REDCO)
REDCO’s mission is to create equitable neighborhood wealth for existing and new businesses through strategic economic development.
Tax Credits
Employers that do business in New York State can trim labor costs through workforce & economic development programs offered through the NYS Department of Labor including:
- Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC)
- Workers (with Disabilities) Employment Tax Credit (WETC)
- Work For Success
- New York Youth Jobs Program
- Hire a Veteran Credit
How do I post a job on the RochesterWorks Job Board?
If you’re new to working with RochesterWorks: Submit your postings to us through our easy online form
If you've worked with us before: Email your job posting directly to our Business Services team at
We will send you a confirmation email once your job has been posted with us. We will also share your job with the NYS Department of Labor for posting in the New York State Job Bank so you'll reach even more candidates.
If you have questions, please contact 585-258-3500 ext. 2000
What is the RochesterWorks Job Board?
The RochesterWorks Job Board is a place where you can post your open positions with us for free. Candidates will still apply directly to you.
About the Work Experience Tryout Program
This program allows your business to try out candidates to see if their skills and work habits are a fit for an open position.
Work Experience Tryouts provide opportunities for individuals with barriers to employment such as chronic unemployment, inconsistent work history, or other identified matters, enabling them to establish a work history, demonstrate work success, and develop the skills that lead to unsubsidized employment.
Work Experience Tryout: Business Eligibility
- Private sector for-profit, not-for-profit, public businesses in Monroe County may apply.
- Potential candidates must work or live in Monroe County.
- Trade organizations, staffing agencies and other third-party entities are not eligible to apply for Work Experience Tryout’s on behalf of other organizations.
- Organizations with prior poor performance outcomes with RochesterWorks will not be awarded funds.
- Applicants must comply with New York State Labor Law.
Work Experience Tryout: How To Get Started
Contact RochesterWorks to discuss your hiring needs and program eligibility.
Work Experience Tryout: How it Works
A candidate will work on-site at your location but will be employed by a staffing agency and have their wages 100% subsidized and paid for by RochesterWorks Work Experience Tryouts last for a short-term period with the ultimate goal of having the employee transition into permanent employment with your company.
Please Note: All paperwork must be approved by RochesterWorks prior to the first day of work or first day of training. Individuals cannot start work until the business has been notified and approved for the program.
Work Experience Tryout: Job Eligibility
- The job must pay at least the current minimum wage up to $34.87 an hour.
- Must be full-time, year-around positions.
- Positions that are in the public, private or nonprofit sectors.